Sunday, October 13, 2013

Types of Affiliate Marketing

Type of affiliate marketing is the part that many people preferred because it can provide a lot of income without having to busy looking, make, delivery, returns and other administrative and other products. task alone affiliate merely send as many visitors to the merchant website owner, that's it.

administrative duties, delivery, refunds and another is a task merchant. Affiliate commissions are just waiting for the visitor to the merchant shipping. simple?

it looks simple, but the affiliate had to work hard for promotion with a very tight competition in the win over visitors to come visit the merchant's website.

type of affiliate program is divided into 3:

PPS / Pay Per Sale
as with the Pay Per Sale Affiliate earns a commission from the sales that occurred in the merchant visitor sent by an affiliate.
The data says nearly 80% of merchants like the program to provide compensation per cent commission to the affiliate.

PPL / Pay Per Lead

Affiliate will earn a commission based on the prospect of entered data. merchant which is recorded using 18%.
This program is usually used by products merchant credit card, home loans, cosmetic sample.

PPC / Pay Per Click

Affiliate will get a commission on how many clicks are on the affiliate website. This system began to lose favor as it begins a lot of scams that harm the merchant.
Although some restrictions and penalties penalty has been given to the naughty affiliate.

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